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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Bob Crow

Bob Crow
Bob Crow Boycotts King Speech To Unions
Milton Johanides
At last, someone with the flair and guts to take on the banking system. Bob Crow, trade union leader, today boycotted yet another establishment speech along the line of "everyone should share the pain" given to trade unions by Bank of England Governor Mervin King. By this gesture Crow won himself a platform including news channel interviews from which to express the concern of workers worldwide that they are being used as scapegoats to pay the price of the recession.
id=5039924 - Sep 15, 2010
Counting Crows - Mr Jones
James L. Flynn
For Bay Area rock band Counting Crows, Mr Jones was their best-selling song ever. The track came off of their 1993 debut album August and Everything After, and the video for the song happened to be released in the same week as Kurt Cobain's tragic death. Did that help or hurt?
id=7550113 - Mar 15, 2013
Wagon Wheel - Bob Dylan, Why Didn't You Finish This Masterpiece?
Matt Lowen
Wagon Wheel, Bob Dylan's unfinished masterpiece, has been bootlegged, distributed, covered, and modified by a number of bands and musicians through the years. This article looks into the enigma of the song, and why Dylan didn't finish it.,-Why-Didnt-You-Finish-This-Masterpiece?
id=6785497 - Dec 29, 2011
How to Find the Best BOB Stroller Sale Online
Sara Young
Are you looking for a BOB stroller sale? Well, apparently you're not the only one! Busy parents all over are looking for baby gear that will help them bond with their child while still keeping up with their hectic schedule.
id=1490368 - Sep 12, 2008
The Crow's Throne
Lauren M Newcomb
The death-bird alights atop the weathervane, raking his terrible gaze across the marshland of recent rains. Steady plop, drip of rainwater, trickling down the drainpipe, the beady black eyes stare at the two-legged ground-walker's miserable figure, stumbling to get through this marsh.
id=7131424 - Jun 19, 2012
Bob Peoples Deadlift Training
Brian Carson
For those who don't know of Bob Peoples, here is some background. Peoples was born in 1910 in Johnson City, Tennessee and by the age of 9, he developed a passion for weight training.
id=1522211 - Sep 23, 2008
The Pitch - Part 2
Brian J. Doherty
Sometimes things work out, sometimes they don't. Sometimes you're handed your station in life on a platter, and other times, no matter how hard you try, you'll never achieve your dreams and goals.
id=4623112 - Jul 07, 2010
A Frustrating Day's Pigeon Shooting
Troy Jeffery
With the vast array of decoying equipment on the market these days, it's a wonder why so many people struggle to achieve red letter days. Surely having bought the latest flapping, whirling, bouncing, bobbing, pecking, flocked this and U.V that, we should be guaranteed a bountiful result.We've paid our hard earned cash, we've read all the reviews, we have spoken to others who prolifically boast of numbers for which we could only dream of.We have it all, so why oh why aren't we getting those illusive large bags? We go to the clay ground to check our shot, it's not bad. We talk to others about chokes, what kind of cartridge to use? So what's going wrong?
id=5895445 - Feb 10, 2011
The Pitch - Part 1
Brian J. Doherty
It was a pivotal point in my life. I could make personal improvements and climb up the ladder, or I could fall off the steep ledge into ruin. There was no in-between.
id=4591788 - Jul 02, 2010
Vince Cable Talks Tough With A Soft Voice
Milton Johanides
Libdem Business Secretary Vince Cable delivered his conference speech today outlining his vision for a firm but fair society. In the course of the speech bankers and city speculators, or spivs as he called them, came under fire for turning the economy into a casino and he promised that high earners would pay the largest share of the tax burden in the course of this coalition government.

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